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Multi Hardware Support
eGuruvu platform independent solution enables the same content to be delivered to multiple hardwares and various screen sizes. All this happens seamlessly. No matter what type of hardware, and screen size, our rendering software delivers almost the same look and feel. This makes the students feel comfortable in using the application on any device. Using eGuruvu is easy, secure, fast and extremely efficient.
This application runs on Windows XP and Windows 7 machines. All the features of eGuruvu are available for this platform. Please obtain a license beofre the application can be run for the first time.

eGuruvu-Tablet (Android)
This application runs on many Android based Tablets. Please make sure that your tablet/mobile supports Android 2.3. Most of the features of eGuruvu are available on this platform. Please obtain a license beofre the application can be run for the first time.

This application runs on many Android based mobiles. Please verify that your mobile supports the necessary JSRs before purchasing the license. The application requires the mobile to support certain configurations. Please obtain a license beofre the application can be run for the first time.